I’m in the process of getting my life coaching certification and realize that most people have heard of life coaching, but few actually know what it means.

A life coach is wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment.

Life coaches support their clients in self-discovery, overcoming challenges, apapting, developing a plan, and achieving their goals. Honestly, it’s very similar to a sports coach in those ways.

Despite popular belief, life coaches don’t give advice. We do however, strategically assist our clients in connecting with their own inner wisdom and knowing in order to make moves in their lives.

Another great question I often hear is “How is coaching different from therapy?” A coach meets you where you are in the present to create the future you want, whereas a therapist looks at your past to help you manage where you are in the present. Therapy can feel more open-ended, while coaching sessions almost always end with next steps and homework for the client to take in-between sessions. A life coach will not diagnose or address clinical issues, and a great coach will be sure to refer you to a therapist if those topics come up.

A great candidate for life coaching might be experiencing any of the following:

  • They are coming to a cross-roads in their life and need help in determining which direction they want to go (like changing careers or starting or ending a relationship)

  • They feel stagnant in their life, kind of like they’re on autopilot and are ready to change things up

  • They are finally at a place mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially where they can put attention on their goals and future

  • They know what they want for themselves, but aren't sure how to get there

  • They don’t know what they want and are overwhelmed with all the options

Think of life coaching as an investment into yourself and your future. A coach will be there to celebrate and encourage you, to provide support and accountability, and help you realize things about yourself that have been within you all along.

If your interest is piqued, I recommend scheduling a 20 minute call with me where we can chat about where you are, where you want to be, and any questions you have!

xx - Mal


Making Friends with our dark side (the Shadow Self)


Y’all…I think I may have lost all of my blog posts since 2016 :(