about me

Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising (5/1 Reflector)
I’m Malorie Burden - a certified Life Coach, podcast host, and creator of Bad Luck Burden. I’m literally just some chick that is trying their best. To love myself, find balance in life, and be proud of what I'm contributing to the world. When I’m at my best I feel confident, free, and inspired.
I’m sentimental, sassy, and know how to get shit done. Creating good vibes and laughing are high priorities for me. You know your friend that will listen to a stranger’s life story and be invested in it? That’s me. I’m always down for karaoke or dancing, and enjoy the coziness of reading and writing in a coffee shop. I love Love, golden hours, and those moments when your life feels like a film. I adore my loved ones and am low-key obsessed with my French Bulldog, Pepper. Anything witchy or spiritual is right up my alley, and enjoy going down astrology rabbit holes.
My purpose is to support women in discovering their passions and pursue their dreams while working a 9-5. My background in project management and love for spirituality supports me in helping my clients take strategic action towards their goals and develop ways to overcome challenges that get in the way. At the end of the day my job is to inspire you to feel your feelings, love yourself, and have the courage to go after your dreams. 
The work I do is in gratitude, love, and honor of the strong Southern women that raised me. My Mom, Teresa Lynne Burden and Maw, Lula Belle Burden. 

My Story

It’s the mid 2000’s, and I’m chilling with my best friends in high school looking up what each of our names mean. After acknowledging the sweet and thoughtful meanings of their names - I was surprised and amused to see that “Malorie” translates to bad luck (not to mention my last name is Burden). It wasn’t until years later that I really resonated with that label.
In 2013, I graduated from Savannah College of Art & Design after studying Fashion Marketing and moved to Brooklyn, NY for my first real job in product development. A small town Georgia girl moving on up to the big city, for me - it was truly a dream come true.
Fast forward 3 years and everything I knew turned upside down - my Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The only thing that made sense to me at the time was packing up to move closer to her, so I accepted a job in Asheville, North Carolina and did just that.
Soon after, bad luck felt like a regular occurrence. I couldn’t seem to get a break between losing my Mom, losing my job, and ending an unhealthy relationship. Was the Universe out to get me? After a lot of tears and confusion, I started to realize I could let these situations break me, or I could use them to get real with myself.

Am I resilient enough to get through this?

How could I show myself the love and care I needed?

Did I really resonate with the life I was living?

Turns out the answers were yes…prioritizing myself…and definitely not.
In 2017, I created Bad Luck Burden to express myself and my emotions. Sifting through my experiences became a way to make sense and comfort myself. That was just the beginning of my healing and spiritual journey.. and as I’ve learned, it’s a journey that will last a lifetime. 
A few years later we all found ourselves navigating a global pandemic. This was the final year of my 20’s so let’s just say the Existential Crisis of turning 30 hit extra hard. I was faced again with a few more questions…

What am I even passionate about? 

What’s my purpose?

Am I still resonating with the life I’m living?  

This led me to seeing a therapist to address unspoken childhood trauma, finding a gym that I actually enjoy going to, and landing a rewarding and fun job at a cool local spice company. These acts of self love would give me the courage and clarity I needed to finally pursue becoming a Life Coach, a path I began dreaming about soon after my Mom passed. My purpose is to be an encouraging source of self discovery and transformation, support you in pursuing your own creative dreams, and assist in overcoming the challenges along the way. 
My experiences with grief, unspoken trauma, and life challenges have allowed me to witness my own resilience. Not only have I survived, but I have managed to thrive in spite of it all. During challenging times, I’ve always been uplifted by the amazing women in my life with love, support, and celebration. They remind me that my story matters, I matter. I am here to be that person for you.
Bad Luck is where the Magic happens. 


Bad Luck Burden is a relatable, fun, and reassuring resource for self discovery + development. It’s all about inspiring Millennials to embrace what makes them unique, discover their passions, and manifest a confident, inspired, and balanced life.

  • I’ve been professionally trained to help you embrace your full potential and reach your dreams. Coaching will push you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself.

    I can help you with specific projects, personal goals and transitions in many areas of your life. This is achieved by analyzing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential obstacles you face and devising a custom plan of action to help you achieve the outcomes you want.

    Check out the Book a Session tab or Services tab for more info.

  • Bad Luck Burden started in 2017 as a personal development blog. It was a way to express myself and get in touch with my emotions in a creative way. I realized I always turned to online resources when I’m feeling anxious or alone. Providing free content, tools, and resources is incredibly important to me.

    You’ll find blog, podcast, templates, workbooks, digital products and more in the menu. I hope it provides encouragement, humor, and peace of mind.

    Check out the podcast + journal tab for more!

  • I enjoy making and developing products that inspire, build connection, bring joy, and ignites confidence. Maybe you have something to celebrate, or someone you want to connect with. I wanted to provide keepsakes that are the perfect way to express yourself and how you feel.

    Check out the Shop tab in the menu and show a lil love to yourself and others through gift giving and words of affirmation.

  • This is where we’ll get a chance to really build a community to celebrate + inspire one another. There is nothing like the energy of a group of women that are trying their best and showing up for themselves - this is where the magic lives!

    Be sure to check out the events page to find details on upcoming Workshops, Group Sessions, Parties, + more!



Accepting ourselves as we are today. Forgiving our past, and practicing compassion. Cultivating the love, respect, and care we deserve daily.


Trusting in the Universe. Believing a brighter day is around the corner. Anticipating the best outcome possible.


Quick wit and confidence. Realizing not everything has to be serious. Light hearted. Seeing a different perspective.


Appreciating the light in the darkness. Finding symmetry between Work and Play. Being in tune with our needs and advocating our boundaries.


Noticing the little things. Being present in the moment. Feeling in awe at how lucky we are to experience life and share it with others.


Recognizing the Cosmic and Divine in our daily lives. Connection to all things, especially self. Taking care of our energy. Intentionality.