Preparing for your Healing Journey. Getting your vibes and energy right for 2024!
Kate Blohm Photography
In 2024, honey...we are gonna be thriving and we are gonna be embodying our favorite version of ourselves, ok? I'm talking self-love, confidence, abundance, connection, creativity, and excitement. We are gonna know our worth, be proud of ourselves, and do whatever tf we've been wanting to do but have been too afraid to go after.
And how are we going to do that you ask? Well boo, we are gonna get our vibe and energy right by leaning into our ~~ healing journey ~~
No more of this "I'm scared I'll be seen/judged/& deemed irrelevant", or "what if the effort ain't even worth it" bulllllshit....
Because lemme tell you this - time stops for no one. Life is happening, whether you are actively participating in it or not. So you can either choose to accept how things are or decide you have more influence in your life than that. It's up to you to engage with it, nurture it, and decide it's the most precious thing that you could experience.
SO! if your cute lil ass is ready to heal....keep reading to get the encouragement and support you need to get started!
After reading this blog post you will….
have more insight into what a healing journey is
understand why it's not only helpful, but necessary in order to live a life you're actually excited about
assess where you are in your healing cycle
know how you can start (or restart) your path to healing as you welcome in an energetically fresh year full of new opportunities
What is a healing journey?
Heal yourself, heal the world!
A Healing Journey is like a portal into your soul. It's a highly personal and individual path to discovering yourself and practicing conscious self-love and self-acceptance. Once you start your healing journey it never stops, it's always a work in progress. Meaning there may be times when we're more invested in it and intentional about it than others, but our healing journey is always there for us to tap back into.
Personally, I find it incredibly comforting - to know that even if we feel like we're off track, it's always possible to come back into alignment with ourselves. My most recent and powerful experience with my own healing journey started in 2018 a few months after I lost my Mom. I was about to turn 27 years old and had a complete meltdown because of all the changes and grief I was going through. I felt like I was at a personal rock bottom... I truly despised where I was at mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Eventually I was tired of feeling like I didn't have any power to change my mindset and my life.
So I did what any Virgo Rising Millennial would do during a crisis - I scoured every article, blog, video, podcast, and book there was about spirituality, mental health, and personal development. Through this search for support and a better understanding of what I was going through, I began to make meaning of the realities I was facing.
The bad luck I was sure the Universe had bestowed upon me, actually turned into unexpected blessings. Getting stuck supports us in seeing what we need to change and be more open in order to be in alignment for our next level.
Our habits and thoughts behind our actions matter -
if we want to have more financial abundance we have to believe we're worthy and be mindful of how we're spending our resources. Showing our finances care means creating space for abundance.
If we want to attract a healthy partnership we have to see our inherent value and be mindful of who we're giving our attention to. Protecting our peace and boundaries creates space for balanced love.
If we want we want a fulfilling career we have to believe in our abilities and have the balls to put ourselves out there. Taking initiative and discovering your why creates space for meaning and purpose.
Long story short....your current habits and thoughts need to be a vibrational match to the life you're trying to live.
Why your Healing Journey is key to living your best life (even though it's terrifying)
Becoming whole = integrating the parts of us that we are ashamed of. The pieces of our story we want to keep hidden and the emotions we don't know how to face.
When we get a cut or a scrape, we have to clean it and take care of it before it will fully heal. That's similar to our healing journey in the sense that we are facing our fears and uncovering hidden emotions and beliefs. We gain insight into our hurt, what's causing it, and what we can do to feel like ourselves again.
We go from thinking "life is out to get me" (victim mindset) to "life is here to teach me".
We realize it's creating opportunities to support us in knowing ourselves in a deeper way, excavating parts of our personality we never knew we had. It allows us to take full responsibility for what we can control and influence in our lives.
Healing gives us a chance to connect with ourselves and others in a way we never have before. It provides the gift of peace, understanding, and forgiveness for things we've experienced. And last but not least, it's the process of discovering all that we are and interacting with life in a more meaningful way.
Healing will also support us in....
cultivating balance in our lives
practicing consistent self-love
trusting our intuition
increasing our ability to deal with bullshit and handle challenging shit in general)
taking intentional action towards our dream life
Now THAT'S the type of shit I'm tryna be on!
How to begin (or restart) your path to healing
As I mentioned - healing isn't linear. It's not a situation where you start at rock bottom and end at your peak and stay there. What it is actually is, is a cycle that transcends upward.
I believe that we're always in a state of progress, that's comprised of high points and low points along the way. That's exactly why it's considered a lifelong journey. If you're feeling discouraged because you "used" to be in such a better place and are worried you can't get back to that era, I promise you life has something even better and more in alignment with you for this next phase of healing. And actually... that feeling that you're not content with your life is there precisely to nudge you in the direction you truly want to go.
Knowing where you're at in the healing cycle can be helpful to recognize the phase you're in and where you're headed next.
Healing cycle
1: Awareness - realizing something is off, you're not where you want to be, confusion and frustration sets in, feeling scared of the emotions you're facing, and assessing your current life conditions and emotional/mental/physical state of being.
2: Feeling the pain - digging deeper into what is causing the pain (mindset, perspective, energy, limited self-knowledge, routines), exploring your shadow sides/patterns/past experiences, developing compassion for your feelings, cleansing the soul (unfortunately, this is the only thing I've found that creates clarity....fuuuuuck)
3: Acceptance - truly accepting how you feel, embracing where you are in your journey, surrendering to a higher power
4: Forgiveness - forgiving yourself and others, tapping back into your inner-child, regaining authority over your life
5: Moving Forward - getting support where and how you need it, taking consistent action to meet your own desires and needs, and discovering the next road you're taking on your path, and reflecting often to ensure actions are still in alignment
Healing Journey Tool Kit
So what do we now that we know the healing cycle? I recommend starting from the inside and working your way out, meaning start with yourself at the most basic level (getting good sleep, food, and staying active) and then eventually moving towards incorporating healing into your relationships.
I've broken down various healing modalities that relate back to the body, mind, and soul. Some of these overlap, but to keep things simple let's start with the body.
Nourishing food + water
Staying active consistently (walks are perfect for healing and processing our thoughts and emotions, and yoga)
Balancing your Chakras
Wearing or holding healing crystals
Massages / Reiki / Acupuncture
Staying patient
journaling like crazy
reflecting where you've been on your journey and where you want to go
Listening to Healing frequencies
Social media breaks
Believing in yourself
Asking for extra support from your very close/trustworthy loved ones
getting out of your comfort zone
looking out for signs from spirit guides
clearly communicating your feelings/needs/desires with those in your life / setting boundaries
inner-child healing
Dreaming big
Intuition / inner-knowing / inner-guidance
If you are in the process of healing, know you are not alone and the other folks out there that are actively healing are wishing you the best on your unique path. Also remember that staying consistent and patient is more important than getting it perfect.
To heal is to be whole in the midst of adversity and challenges.
To heal is to know and follow what is in supportive alignment for you as an individual at this point in time.
To heal is to fully believe in your worth and showing yourself compassion through the highs and lows.
Your healing journey is special and it's always there for you to come back to.
You won't believe what you're capable of unless you try.
What's the worst that could happen?
If you’d like support with your healing journey, I’d love to be there for you!