Mercury in Sagittarius: Overcoming limiting beliefs and embracing new creative opportunities

A few days ago, we welcomed a new moon cycle in Scorpio forming intentions for personal transformation around our deepest desires, truths, and passions. We will start to see these intentions actualize at the Full Moon on November 15, 2024. By the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 12, 2025 - these intentions will fully materialize.

As we begin the first official week of November, we are invited to reflect on how open are we to new possibilities and opportunities? What adventures are calling to us and where is our interest and curiosity piqued? Therein lies our guidance for next steps. The trick will be unearthing any critical or limiting beliefs that are acting as roadblocks or detours along our path.

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If you’d like to understand your unique birth chart, how the starts are impacting you directly, and how to listen to the guidance of your intuition - you can schedule a time for us to work together


Full Moon in Taurus: Embracing change and creating stability through what we value
