New Moon in Capricorn & Venus in Pisces: Endings & New Beginnings. Navigating Liminal space

This week we enter this liminal space between two distinct periods in time. We have one foot in 2024, processing all we have experienced over the last 365 days and the other foot in 2025, daydreaming of all the possibilities to come. We may feel overwhelmed, trying to take care of any business we want to leave behind in 2024. We may feel nostalgic, reflecting on how far we come and all the ways we've supported and loved on ourselves this past year. As we finish the last couple of pages of this year, I hope you are able to find space to 'let go'. Let go of any negative feelings that you no longer want to carry and let go of any need for perfection and ending the year with everything buttoned up. This might be a good time to release any resentments you're holding onto, and extending forgiveness to yourself if it's needed.

We begin the week with a New Moon in Capricorn, inviting us to set intentions towards what we want to accomplish and achieve in the year to come - where do we want to become a leader? what does success mean to us on an individual level and how can we align with that this year? By the middle of the week, Venus the planet of love and values moves into the creative, sensitive, and intuition-focused sign of Pisces. What is our inner knowing trying to tell us about who and what we love? We may feel more spiritually guided when it comes to our connections, tastes, and sense of pleasure over the next month.

You don't have to have your 2025 plan all figured out right now. This time is really about reflection and rest. A time to renew our inner spirit so we can integrate our growth from 2024. We are preparing our body, mind, and soul to realign with our present day intentions, wishes, hopes, and dreams. It's difficult to dream when we aren't connected to self. So how do we navigate this space of uncertainty? We ground into the present moment. Only then can we gain clarity around what we've just experienced, and spark inspiration for what's to come.

Ask yourself: How do I know when I'm fully tapped into Now?

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If you’d like to understand your unique birth chart, how the starts are impacting you directly, and how to listen to the guidance of your intuition - you can schedule a time for us to work together


 Full Moon in Cancer: Expressing our Emotions in a New Way


Chiron direct in Aries: Asserting Your Needs & Desires - Becoming Your Biggest Advocate