Full Moon in Leo: Embodying our confidence, courage, and self-expression

We're opening our hearts this week

On Wednesday we reach a peak moment in our jjourney of confidence, courage, and self-expression as we experience a Full Moon in Leo. This full moon will shine a light on how we've stepped into our personal power since the New Moon in Leo back on August 4, 2024. What was going on for you at that point in time? We are being called to shine our unique light out into the world, because the more we express our true selves, the more we encourage others to do the same.

By Friday, intuitive insights and creative ideas are flowing. Mercury is now in Pisces. We will speak with compassion, emotion, and and idealistic quality. Our attention is turned to our Saturn, Neptune, and North Node journey through this ethereal and otherworldly sign. This part of our lives has no doubt felt confusing and restricted at times, but as Saturn and Neptune begin to close out their time in Pisces over the next few months and the North Node just begins her journey here in Pisces. How can you connect with your spiritual and creative side more intentionally?

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If you’d like to understand your unique birth chart, how the starts are impacting you directly, and how to listen to the guidance of your intuition - you can schedule a time for us to work together


The Spiritual Act of Nurturing Our Own Needs
